You are likely to see a cookie notification when you follow a link to a site, including ours. Let’s figure out what it is? Cookie – what is it? Despite the name, it has nothing to do with confectionery. Cookies are tiny data files located on your device that greatly simplify our lives and pose a serious threat to privacy.

Basically, this is a source that collects information about you and passes it on to marketers so that they know about your preferences. For example, the item you postponed in the shopping cart of an online store, your search queries, your username and password on social networks, and so on. Then, “like magic,” you see an ad for a product or service that you recently searched for. It is cookies that are the very auxiliary data in the implementation of such operations.

Cookies at

For example, the website uses cookies for different purposes, but this is done for your convenience. Namely, the cookies on our website provide all the basic necessary functions and make it easier to navigate the club. In addition, we use cookies to improve the functionality of the site. Other files save your readings. And most importantly, this is necessary in order to simplify many operations and make it convenient for you to use the site. In the table below you can see the types of cookies we use and their functions.

Cookies for the proper functioning of the website functions (strictly necessary cookies)Memorization of language, location; improved functionality; efficient page loading
Cookies for the analysis of website usage (analytical cookies)Providing geo-targeting, site layout convenient for you; remembering the user’s choice, his time on the site, his preferences
Cookies related to performance, efficiency and analytics (Performance Cookies)Analysis of where users go to the site from; testing different design solutions for the site

Managing Cookies

When you visit our website, you are presented with a cookie policy. Upon acceptance of this policy, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use of these files. As a result, will place cookies on your device and remember your preferences, so that in the future it will be easier for you to use the site and its navigation will become more convenient for you. And at this time we do not have the option for you to enable or disable the operation of some files. But you have the opportunity to change the browser settings so that the device does not accept such files from some sites, but in this case, the device may not display some pages.